dinsdag 30 januari 2024

TX5S Clipperton on the low bands

Expeditions and planning, it will always remain a challenging combination.

Plan: contests during the weekend and on Monday morning, work TX5S on 160m. Quod non!

For the umpteenth time, an expedition is prematurely stopped - it had already started with a delay - so my plan does not proceed. As a result, I have adjusted my weekend contest planning (CQWW160 and UBA SSB) to be able to listen to TX5S on Saturday morning. 160m was not an option due to the contest QRM, but on 80m CW, they came in very strong. The pile-up was, as always during the weekend, enormous. Luck was on my side, and a German operator picked up my call from the crowd.

TX5S on 80m, check!

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